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Non-judgemental and easy to talk to…

I first sought Jaron’s advice a couple of years ago as I had a significant birthday approaching and I wanted to be able to fit into a certain dress. I had always been able to eat what I liked without my body shape changing until I hit 40. I had read many times that our metabolism starts to slow down in our 40’s but for some reason didn’t think that would ever happen to me – lol.

Watching what I ate and cutting down on excesses was foreign to me and I really struggled with it. I have a plethora of reference books on diet and exercise, including different authors writing about the mind-body connection but I just couldn’t get anything to work. I knew food was my problem because I couldn’t do any more exercise without running myself into the ground.

To cut a long story short, Jaron was able to help me break things down and get to the reason why I was overeating and how to overcome that. I’d had a traumatic childhood (not my words) and many traumatic experiences in my teenage years and into my 20s. The overeating was a comfort thing because I felt I was useless.

Jaron helped me see that my past was littered with traumatic experiences and that at 49 I was still alive and functioning as a ‘normal’ human being. I had never been in trouble with the Police, never got into drugs or heavy drinking, had been able to hold down and perform well in several high pressure jobs all while maintaining a sense of humour :).

Jaron’s approach was different to anyone else I’d sought help from in the past. We would discuss things in our sessions and then he would give me ‘homework’. There would be tasks to perform or maybe something to read and evaluate before our next session. For me this worked really well as it made me think about what we’d discussed after our session and continually work on myself, not just hope that he was going to fix me. I always took a notebook with me to our sessions and still find every now and then I will refer back to some sage piece of advice Jaron gave me.

I didn’t get into that certain dress in time for my 50th, but I can get into it now and I’m not quite 52.

I would highly recommend Jaron to anyone who felt they needed help with some aspect of their life. He’s a kind, compassionate man, non-judgemental and easy to talk to. The day I told him I could get into that dress, the smile on his face was bigger than mine 🙂

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